Tedium fizzles
into nothing
no consequence,
no concern
while waiting in Mexico.
While waiting in Mexico
easy-going, bone-tired women
stand on one foot
then the other
in a broken line
They shift parcels, clutch pesos
Balance stacks of steaming tortillas
on one palm
hablan rapido in hushed tones
while waiting in Mexico.
While waiting in Mexico
I observe fellow humans
reflect on life
speak small words in español
and listen.
I embody patience,
sense serenity
know peacefulness
while waiting in Mexico.
Unlike waiting at home.
—Annis Cassells

Annis Cassells is a teacher, poet, and writer who added “life coach” and “speaker” to her resume after retiring from teaching middle school. She is a long-time member of Writers of Kern whose poems have been published in several online ‘zines and print anthologies. A lover of travel, she’s always planning her next trip.