This presentation will cover the advantages and disadvantages of small press publishing.
There are more options to publishing than just self publishing or publishing with an agent and hoping to land a book with a big publishing house. Sometimes the middle road can be the right road.
Advantages: agents may not be required, quicker publishing timeline, close knit group of people you come to know and the ability to hit a niche market.
Pitfalls: smaller press runs, smaller budgets, some small presses may not do enough advertising and marketing to really sell your books in the way you imagined.
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Bio: Esther Hatch grew up on a cherry orchard in rural Utah. After high school she alternated living in Russia teaching children English, and attending Brigham Young University in order to get a degree in Archaeology. Always an avid reader, she began writing when one of her favorite authors invited her to join a critique group. The only catch was she had to be a writer. Not one to be left out of an opportunity to socialize and try something new; she started on her first novel that week.