The Poet is the Poem
Last year, I found a lively poem.
Her name is Victoria Erickson.
She dances across the pages,
And beckons souls to join her.
I discovered another insightful poem today.
His name is Rudy Francisco.
He explained how the jagged edges of
My heart accidentally cut others.
I used to hate poetry, when I didn’t understand.
So I wrote a poem titled, I Hate Poetry.
Immediately after, I heard a poem
That spoke of things I thought only I knew.
She’s still my favorite poem.
Her name is Mary Oliver.
Who isn’t stirred by how grasshoppers chew?
Who doesn’t want to know how to kiss the world?
Most recently, Rupi Kaur lyricized beauty
Is not defined by sound and counseled,
“Don’t shrink!”Then Nakita Gill announced
She is a shipwreck too!
Did I mention Jennifer Dessert is made of a
Billion Quiet Little Mercies?
Or that John Keats is a religion that
Saves? It is called Love.
It’s hard to distinguish between the poets and
Their poems. There's no difference between
Creator and creation. It’s all beautiful and wonderous
And salvation.
~ Pam Reeves

Pam Reeves, an active member of Writers of Kern (WoK), writes memoir, non-fiction and dabbles at poetry. She has been published in The Edge Holistic magazine and WoK’s 2018 Anthology titled “Reaching for the Sky.” You can reach her at [email protected].