by Judy Kukuruza
Damp soil - clumps, clods, granules Many parts - whole Felt with hands, bare feet; aroma of primitive abandonment Everchanging sky - constantly shifting, moving Intriguing blues, whites, grays, Mirroring and holding colorful sunsets, dawns; Surrounding all - but unreachable. Mother ocean moving in and out - giving life, taking life; Blue, green, foamy white - pulling, pushing rising, falling - stirring and soothing. Wind, air - pushing soil, sky, waters. Colorless - hot, cold, scary, comforting, Howling, soughing, caressing, buffeting. Air with power to give and take away. Elements inherent to ALL life - respected, enjoyed, feared - ACCEPTED Heightening senses, appealing baseness the terrible beauty of CONNECTION.

Retired college instructor from CSUB and Bakersfield College. She published her memoir One Body/Many Souls in 2018, and later Poems to Ponder, Little Stories to Play with in Your Mind, and Letters. She publishes her blog, “Our Spiritual Journey” through Word Press.
Your wisdom found in nature is always appreciated by me. Thank you for your critical observation and then sharing it through you poetry.
Beautiful, Judy. “aroma of primitive abandonment” I smell it, my friend. Thank you. xoA <3