The Writers of Kern 2016 “A-Z” Blog Challenge
It’s time for the A-to-Z Blog Challenge. Get your fingers warmed up. The starting line is Monday, January 25 and you reach the checkered flag Saturday, April 23.
Here is your mission should you choose to accept it (hey, it’s not an IMPOSSIBLE Mission). For thirteen weeks you will write 2 posts per week for a total of 26 posts. Choose any theme or topic you like. You can even flip-flop around. Blog writing is your writing. Follow this one simple rule: each post must feature one letter of the alphabet (in no specific order).
If you decide to participate in the Blog Challenge, there are two parts:
Part 1 – Publish two blog posts a week, for thirteen weeks. Posting Wednesday and Saturday are suggested, but not required. You can choose any two days you like. Remember, when you post consistently you draw more readers. But the goal is for you to write, the readers will come. If you are a member of Facebook, post a link to a post in the Writers Of Kern Group.
Part 2 – Your fellow members of Writers of Kern are here for support. It may sound tough to write 26 posts. It’s easier if you know you have readers who depend on seeing your posts. Visit at least five other participants’ blogs each week, leaving thoughtful comments and encouraging words. Join the Facebook group Writers of Kern to find your fellow bloggers. We also have a list of bloggers on the Writers of Kern website.
If you don’t have a blog, now is the time to start one. Check WordPress and Blogger for free blogging options. If you have a blog and you’re not a seat-of-the-pants writer, you have some time to jump start your challenge plan.
Winners will be recognized at the WOK Honors Dinner in May.
NOTE: If you choose to participate in the WOK Blog Challenge, please email your blog site to [email protected] by Friday, January 22, 2016. Blog Challenge participants will receive an email listing blog sites of all who have accepted the Blog Challenge.
I’m looking forward to seeing lots of new blogs and posts!! xoA
Can you give an example of how a post might “feature” a letter of the alphabet? Sounds fun!
It’s in the simplest of all forms Emily. If I wrote a post about my dog Buster, that could be used for B for Buster or brown dog or the the bone he chews. It would also work for D as in dog. It could even work for the letter T as in the tennis shoes he chews on, or K for swallowing my car keys, or X marks the spot he digs his holes. So, you can see what I’m saying here right? You need to get a dog 😉
Ha! I have two already, but their names both start with “R,” so I may need to branch into a different topic. 😉 Thanks!
Hi… is there a desired word count for these blogs? I assume having to read and comment on at least 5, we will want to be considerate of the readers…
I don’t think there is a required word count Melanie. Personally, I like my blog posts to be at least 300 words and try to keep them under 1200.
thx John…..