The whole day stretched before me
To work on all this mess
Dust bunnies danced along the shelf,
Much laundry, I confess.
I scrunched down in my favorite chair.
My pans were mucked in swill.
I wondered what to tackle first –
The socks piled in a hill?
While I yawned and stretched my arms
A towel fell off its rack.
My virgin sweeper stood at ease
With cobwebs on its back.
My family will arrive here soon
To meet their humbled home.
They’ll ask me what I did today.
I’ll say, “I wrote a poem.”
~ Connie Williams

Connie Williams is a wife, mom, grandma, and retired teacher. She has published articles, curriculum, and children’s chapter books. Oh, and surprisingly enough–one poem, this one. Check out her first attempt at a website: