What: Our annual Blog Challenge for our writing community honoring our dear friend, and prolific blogger, Dan McGuire.
Who: Anyone can participate (membership in Writers of Kern not required)
When: Start posting Monday, Feb. 7 and Final posts by Sunday, May 8, 2022.
Why: To develop a habit of regular writing and sharing it with a like-minded community of writers.
Where: Your personal blog online
The Fine Print: (Requirements to finish and be recognized on May 21):
- To participate, please email: events@writersofkern.com with your name and blog web address.
- Write 26 posts in 13 weeks
- Subject/theme is up to you
- We suggest two posts per week, but there is no minimum or maximum, just so all 26 posts are completed by the end date.
- Leave 2 comments/week on other participants’ blogs
- Each participant will be given a list of the other participants’ blogs for easy access
- Though not required, we prefer you share a link to your blog posts on the Writers of Kern Facebook Group page (link below). It makes it easier to everyone to read and leave comments.
- After publishing all 26 posts, please email events@writersofkern.com to confirm you’ve completed the challenge.
- Note: Pace yourself. While it seems simple, many will start, while not everyone will finish and that’s okay. We celebrate everyone who starts!
If you do not have a blog, now is the time to start one! This video will help: https://youtu.be/5n-ZpBo7cHI