by Judy Kukuruza
Damp soil - clumps, clods, granules Many parts - whole Felt with hands, bare feet; aroma of primitive abandonment Everchanging sky - constantly shifting, moving Intriguing blues, whites, grays, Mirroring and holding colorful sunsets, dawns; Surrounding all - but unreachable. Mother ocean moving in and out - giving life, taking life; Blue, green, foamy white - pulling, pushing rising, falling - stirring and soothing. Wind, air - pushing soil, sky, waters. Colorless - hot, cold, scary, comforting, Howling, soughing, caressing, buffeting. Air with power to give and take away. Elements inherent to ALL life - respected, enjoyed, feared - ACCEPTED Heightening senses, appealing baseness the terrible beauty of CONNECTION.

Retired college instructor from CSUB and Bakersfield College. She published her memoir One Body/Many Souls in 2018, and later Poems to Ponder, Little Stories to Play with in Your Mind, and Letters. She publishes her blog, “Our Spiritual Journey” through Word Press.