Jeanne De Vita │Essential Master Class in Writing Romance Novels: Arc, Beats, and Craft |
Jeanne De Vita is pleased to present a master class on the essential craft of writing a romance novel. Commercial fiction is an enormous market but how do you know if your story has the structure to stand up and the soul to attract and keep readers? Developmental editor and writing instructor Jeanne De Vita will share the often overlooked essentials of romance novel craft: creating a character arc through correctly placed character beats and the essentials of the craft. Practical and accessible, this workshop will introduce new authors to concepts and tools while also challenging experienced authors to improve their mastery of the genre.
Click here to purchase tickets for the meeting online.

MFA, award-winning author, and editor with an extensive background in publishing. Ms. De Vita is currently a Developmental Editor for Waterhouse Press, and previously worked as both an Acquisitions Editor and a Managing Editor. She counts several New York Times best-selling authors among her clients.