Writers of Kern is accepting applications March 19 through April 9 for the Peg Connelly grant for children’s writers residing in Kern County. The grant is given in memory of Writers of Kern’s long time member Peg Connelly who wrote for children. One winner will receive $500 to aid the writer in attaining writing goals.

To apply send the first five pages of your children’s work-in-progress (or the full text of a picture book) to [email protected] along with a cover letter answering the following questions:
1. What do you consider your strengths as a children’s writer?
2. What obstacles do you face as a writer?
3. What goals have you set for yourself as a writer?
4. If you are awarded the grant, how will you use the money to further your writing and achieve these goals?
Submissions must be correctly formatted, double-spaced with,12-point font. Only works in progress that have not been previously published will be considered. Do not send illustrations. Membership in Writers of Kern is not a requirement, but applicants must reside in Kern County. Direct any questions to Rebecca Langston-George at the email above. Please do not wait until the last day to ask questions. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. Winners will be announced at the April meeting. The judges reserve the right to not grant an award if they deem it appropriate due to insufficient entries.