When the Going Gets Tough by Sandy Sanford When the going gets tough, the tough get softer. They have less to protect, as all around them have their defenses down. When the going gets tough, the tough can care, be strong for others, reach out and be there. The tough weather the storm with those endangered. When the going gets tough, the tough take off their boxing gloves, reach out a soft hand, warm others with a kindness. When the going gets tough, the tough shave their calluses on real fear, and offer joy and hope to those in despair. When the going gets tough, the tough stay strong, so when those around melt down, they do not disappear. When the going gets tough, the tough can be vulnerable. They know they are strong. They’ve practiced their fight song.

Sandy Sanford, a Bakersfield native, left town for thirty years to see the world. When she returned in 1999, she surprised mostly herself, and stayed. The world now comes to her. Dozens of International Students from CSUB have found her home, their home away from home.
Known as an adventurer, challenger, connector, participator, friend; she loves travel, photography, scuba diving, a good story, journaling and synchronicity.