Confirmation bias.
Illusory correlation.
Are you guilty?
Do you see what you want to see,
Or do you do you see what might truly be?
Do you look for the negative?
Shoot the messenger pointing out the positive?
Do you lay in wait for the next man to stumble,
then profess that you are oh so humble?
I wonder if you were judged by your own measure,
would God see you with pleasure?
And when you find out you were wrong,
Do you post that, just as strong?
Or are you so caught up in your own bigotry
That you think, “Oh no not me!
I’m the good guy.
It’s not I.”
Have you embraced a victim mentality?
Are you sharing that with your mini-me?
It’s difficult to see
When you deny God’s love for ALL humanity.
The media is smoke and mirrors telling us how to believe.
Blow out the smoke, wipe down the mirror. Seek out truth beyond what you now conceive.
—Lee Stewart

I have lived in Bakersfield for five years. I am currently working on a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and have applied for the Masters Degree program at CSUB. I self-published a book of poems called InkSpots and wrote a screenplay. Lately, however, most of my writing has been academic in nature.