Weather To Do So
Forgiveness breathes on unruffled waters
quietly dormant and softly anticipating
the drizzle of a fresh morning rain,
eager to borrow the vigor of an unused day
Forgiveness aches to be glimpsed
like a rainbow poured from the clouds above,
pursuing a flamboyant storm
and the pulse of droplets tinkling into a delicate echo
Forgiveness straddles and invites
angry clouds and murky puddles
shallow sounds and soulful hurt
the crack of thunder and the quickening tempest
Forgiveness can be ignored,
like the panhandler on the curb,
left to beg at the altar of,
“Hey buddy, I’ve got my own troubles.”
Forgiveness is a choice.
It remains like an unspoiled day
bounded by doubt and certitude
always ready to be the uninvited guest
in the midst of
whether to do so
~ Anke Hodenpijl

Anke Hodenpijl is a bedside singer, poet, gardener and safe spot for animals. She is inspired by nature, family, history, friendships and unfinished stories. Mostly, she is a grateful person.