Sierra dawn,
crystals whirl, wispy– white gentle on pine branches.
Awakened children run to this surprise,
form a footpath from the cabin,
flapping arms and legs, becoming angels—
Children and parents—together—push and roll snowballs into
white belly, chest and head:
Brown branches for arms,
black briquettes for eyes,
yellow banana peel for a smile,
sliced carrots for buttons;
This snowman stands on a lawn overlooking a lake.
By end of the day, it melts bowing to the departing sun.
—Portia Choi

Portia Choi hosts the monthly First Friday Open Mic and publicizes events during National Poetry Month in April. She administers She published a chapbook of her poems Sungsook, Korean War Poems. Her poems are published in multiple journals. She can be contacted at [email protected]