Healing is a deeper human connection.
Providing is a superficial interaction.
A Human, with an inner calling to heal others is a healer.
A Person, who does a job, fulfills obligations, is a provider.
A Healer heals, with a passion for perfection.
A Healer heals, to decrease human suffering.
At times, a Healer needs compassion and healing too.
I wonder who heals the healer?
A healer needs to be healed before she can heal others.
I suppose she heals herself
With the satisfaction and blessings her profession brings.
Is it the truth? Or a myth?
Physician burnout is REAL.
More so in today’s medical practice.
Physicians need the same empathy and compassion they share with their patients.
Please help prevent physician burnout
Understand doctors have human limitations
Acknowledge and respect what medical professionals bring to the Art of Healing.
—Sudha Reddy
Sudha Reddy is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. She is a life-long seeker and learner whose parents taught her true happiness is in helping and sharing. Her life purpose is to decrease suffering in the world, in every possible way. Writing is one of her many activities for staying healthy. Sudha is a new member of WOK.