The Spring Poetry Contest is upon us! This year’s prompt is “Windows.”
All paid members of Writers of Kern are invited to write a poem and apply.
Word count is up to 1,200. Please use a Word document with no names or other identifying marks. Use Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, and use the attachment function to send your submission.
Submissions will be blind judged using a rubric with the following parameters: form, originality, figurative language, message, and meter.
Submissions will be accepted from April 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025. Submissions received before or after those dates will not be accepted.
Please send your submissions with the subject line “April Poetry Contest” to Sandy Moffett: [email protected]
Prizes of $100, $75, and $50, if applicable, will be awarded at the May meeting.