by Anna Marco
Poets don’t be afraid to fall off the paper edge Into the abyss of A E I O U Aaay eeee eye Oh spinning euuu Fall Into word pools Get tangled up in xyz and ABC Break rules, Make rules Onomatopoeia excites Cuckoo meow honk boom Typing tapping Swirling twirling black marks upon white paper Form communication Soul speak spirit Heart to heart language Be the opposite of normal Gifted wordsmith not crayon scripture It's how we live Throbbing head Midnight invocations we fall off the paper edge To sleep and start again tomorrow Go

Anna Marco was born into theatrical heritage, gifted in creative writing and majored in Media. Her professional writing career spans 30 years. She is an internationally published author to 6 books and 800 magazine articles. She won the Los Angeles Valley College Poetry Contest for “The Lemon Tree.”
I love this! Great advice! Thank you. xoA