by Judy Kukuruza
"No obligation when you call." "Your car warranty is about to expire." "This call is being recorded." "Can you hear me?" Unknown numbers from unknown place Burma, Florida, Wyoming, India and of course United States. Delete - Block But we're on a list. Ask: who do you represent? Dial tone. Ask: what do you want? Dial tone. Ask: are you from the pig farm? Dial tone. Ask: first AND Last name? Dial tone. Ask: can you get me a car, too? Dial tone. Ask: do you realize I am recording also? Click. Covid boredom equals block, delete creativity says "Do you love Jesus?" "Let me tell you about my day…" or "say…is this another scam?" For fun, "can you hold? Hubby can't find ammo…" Best, "really? really? seriously?" Silence on the other end? Dial tone? Golden.

Retired college instructor from CSUB and Bakersfield College. She published her memoir One Body/Many Souls in 2018, and later Poems to Ponder, Little Stories to Play with in Your Mind, and Letters. She publishes her blog, “Our Spiritual Journey” through Word Press.
Love love love ❤️
Laughed at “my hubby can’t find the ammo.” Thank you! xoA ♥️