Wild Words by Anke Hodenpijl be warned now this street will fill again with kids riding bikes muslims walking their constitutional weight watchers jogging homeless collecting cans teenagers with ear buds in, oblivious to it all dogs on leads, wondering what happened the smell of family barbecues basketballs bouncing motorcycles roaring pickle ball and preschoolers at the park boomers around the propane campfire lounge lizards on the driveway sipping on an ice-cold beer “Well, we dodged another catastrophe.” be warned we will one day leave this street on our way to a place not nearly as important be warned you will hear wild words I love you Let me help you Thank you be warned be ready it will happen

Anke Hodenpijl is a bedside singer, poet, gardener and safe spot for animals. She is inspired by nature, family, history, friendships and unfinished stories. Mostly, she is a grateful person.