2 Sun Dogs by Christopher Nielsen One sun dog in kind, another on the other side. Two sun dogs left and right showing in the clouds. Glowing reflected colors basking on the earth surface. Telling of the weather storms alongside the forecastered rains. In the hot dry deserts praying for the waters with our souls. Sun dogs above for awe-inspiring days.

Christopher Nielsen resides in Bakersfield, California. He is a photographer, writer, web designer and consultant. Traveling the many back roads of California has provided a wealth of inspiration and he feels most at home out in nature. Poetry has become his primary form of written expression. Christopher has been the featured poet at Kern Poetry’s Open Mic at Dagny’s. His photography has appeared in Barren Magazine and West Texas Literary Review. Christopher’s poems have appeared in CSUB’s Sound 2019, CSUB’s Writing Fields 2020, Rabid Oak and in Mojave Heart Review.
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