La Vida Lenta
(The Slow Life)
by Rose Lester
Oh so swiftly flying by
Winter, spring, summer, fall
The hours, days and minutes cry
For time to answer freedom’s call.
I long for soulful emptiness
And silence to abide;
A quiet heart that grace does bless
And angels by my side.

Rose Lester is a Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice. As a true renaissance woman, she aspires to all things creative and is at home in a variety of creative mediums from song writing and singing, to playing her violin and guitar, to painting and sculpting, or writing poems about life and transformation. Her poems have been published in several anthologies and online websites. She volunteers for the Art for Healing program at Mercy Hospital and helps lead the Threshold Choir that sings at the bedside of those in need of comfort and peace.
Thanks Rose. Sounds like my life right now. Stillness and solitude serve me well. Gone from FOMO. Fear if Missing Out to JOMO. Joy of Missing Out.
To quote you.. the freedom of soulful emptiness.
I love to see others put into words, what I can or do not, what I feel. Thank you!