Morning by Natalia Corres The cat is doing her morning laps, mine and then my husband’s as we sit captive in front of our computers, working from home. The dog has melted into a dark snoring puddle on the carpet after our morning adventure of a mile or more in the neighborhood. It is a pensive quiet. We can feel the world breathing softly. Waiting for the next chapter in the story that is being written for us worldwide; like the cliff hangers of old – will there be a new challenge as soon as this one seems over? Or will we have a respite? The cat cares not as long as my lap is available. The dog continues his gentle snore.

Natalia Corres has worked in technology for a few decades and now spends her time in creative pursuits. An active member of the California Writers Club – Writers of Kern ( branch, she lives with her husband, their dog and their cat in their sanctuary in suburbia.
Idyllic! Fingers crossed for the respite!