The Traveler by Nelson Varon Beads of sweat began to gather on his brow, Waiting for their moment to slowly Trickle down the face of the weary traveler. Rather than over earthly roads, His was an arduous, painful journey Through times remembered. Bitter memories crowded the pathways of his mind. As droplets of perspiration merged with tears Of long-buried emotions yearning to be released. Hidden for too long, they soon join forces to become An uncontrollable flood of enraged sadness With power enough to break through the traveler’s protective facade.

In addition to being a musician and a writer of song lyrics & poems, Nelson Varon was a NYC school teacher, the founder of Nelson Varon Organ Studios in NYC, a published songwriter & author of PlayNow Method For All Organs. He wrote feature articles for The Music Trades magazine, and How to Open a Piano & Organ Store (a chapter in the industry publication, How To Open A Music Store) and the short story, Fixing Things.
He was also the founder, publisher & editor of The Music & Computer Educator magazine, and the founder of Kern Piano Mall, in Bakersfield.
Emotion leaps from the page. The line “Trickle down the face of the weary traveler” sings like a line from a folk song. Nicely done, Nelson.