Oma by Anke Hodenpijl Memories, freckled with childhood secrets, return her to the smooth, blue-sky place of her youth. She smiles with each private thought remembering coconut trees, rice paddies and long sunsets a new doll for her birthday, Babu making gado-gado and thinking these times would never end she wants to live alone says she has her thoughts to keep her company needle point to keep her busy and “Dancing with the Stars” to feed her fantasies friends no longer visit either dead or too far away kids all live out of state she sits in the back yard hummingbirds and roses coffee in a delicate porcelain cup a morning breeze a schoolgirl rides her bike home brothers tease and protect her tea parties with sisters mother and father don’t die No one tells me what to remember. That’s why.

Anke Hodenpijl is a bedside singer, poet, gardener and safe spot for animals. She is inspired by nature, family, history, friendships and unfinished stories. Mostly, she is a grateful person.
How wonderful. Gratitude and appreciation of life waft from this poem, like the mentioned roses, coffee and morning breeze.
This is such a nice reminder that memories are as unique as raindrops. “Return her to the smooth, blue-sky place of her youth.” So pretty, Anke.