by Anke Hodenpijl
the doctor checks my labs,
“Good to go,” she said
I breathe with relief,
eager to escape this breeding ground
- door knobs, pens, magazines, chairs,
even the toilet paper - hosts for the enemy
I push the door with my derriere
like a quarterback
I backpedal
dodge the incoming person
and veer to my Honda
Antiseptic towels at the ready,
hands sanitized,
I sing my twenty second song,
claim a virus-free victory
What’s that under my car?
a red wallet.
I scrub it with antiseptic,
(crush those pathogens)
a drivers license falls out
it belongs to Edna
I am sure she is inside that booby trapped office
a fellow patient,
behind all those hazards
fodder for my new-found anxiety
my options play in slow motion
look to the right
look to the left
the parking lot is empty
no receiver to take the pitch
I. Go. Back.
Is Edna here?

Anke Hodenpijl is a bedside singer, poet, gardener and safe spot for animals. She is inspired by nature, family, history, friendships and unfinished stories. Mostly, she is a grateful person.