After there’re no mountains left to climb
After there’re no poems left to rhyme
After there are no more problems left for me to solve
After there are no more urgent conflicts to resolve
After goals I set no longer shine
After things I wished for all are mine
I will still find happiness in everything we do, and
Want for nothing more than just to always be with you.
After dreams we dreamed have come to pass
After Autumn’s leaves have cloaked the grass
After all the hard times and the good times we have known
After all our children are grown up and on their own
After there is time to smell each rose.
After doors once open slowly close
I will still find happiness in everything we do
And want for nothing more than just to live my life with you.
~ Nelson Varon

In addition to being a musician and a writer of song lyrics & poems, Nelson Varon was a NYC school teacher, the founder of Nelson Varon Organ Studios in NYC, a published songwriter & author of PlayNow Method For All Organs. He wrote feature articles for The Music Trades magazine, and How to Open a Piano & Organ Store (a chapter in the industry publication, How To Open A Music Store) and the short story, Fixing Things. He was also the founder, publisher & editor of The Music & Computer Educator magazine, and the founder of Kern Piano Mall, in Bakersfield.
So beautiful, Nelson. Thank you for sharing it. <3