WOK Members and Competition Winners are Celebrated
Writers of Kern Member achievements, our incomparable WOK Volunteers, Young Writers of Kern (YWOK), and Peggy Connelly Scholarship winners are honored and celebrated at this annual affair.
Join us at Hodel’s , located at 5917 Knudsen Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308.
Doors open at 6 pm. Dinner starts at 6:30 pm.
I really regret that I am unable to attend Saturday’s Honors dinner; however, I am
proud to announce I have succeeded in getting my first book published! “Try My
OT Ways” (OT for occupational therapy) by Page Publishing. I’m awaiting news
that it will be available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. YIPPEE!
Christine Harness, OT/R, CDP