Dressed in red and black
Anita Hill took the stage
Humble amid the thunder
Of full-house applause.
“We are not bystanders anymore,”
She said,
Urging us to act
Like we are brave
And smart
And know a thing or two
About crushing
Urging us to use our voices
“Break the culture of silence.”
Use our votes
Stand up
Speak up
Reimagine equality.
—Annis Cassells
Annis Cassells is a writer, poet, life coach, and teacher. She divides her time between Bakersfield, California and Coos Bay, Oregon. She has been a member of Writers of Kern for more than a dozen years.
Isn’t it wonderful that others that we respect can inspire us to move–forward and on! You captured that inspiration beautifully, Annis! Thank you!