(A finger rhyme to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; Actions in italics)
Wiggle, wiggle, little worms,
Wiggle fingers.
Down the sidewalk, slide and squirm.
Wiggle one finger in an S shape.
When the rain comes pouring down,
Hold hands up high. Point fingers down and shake.
Earthworms crawl up from the ground.
Point fingers up. Shake and move hands upwards.
Wiggle, wiggle, little worms,
Wiggle fingers.
Down the sidewalk, slide and squirm.
Wiggle one finger in an S shape.
Wiggle, Wiggle, Little Worm
—Rebecca Langston-George
Copyright Highlights for Children, Inc., Columbus, Ohio. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Rebecca Langston-George is the author of several poems and ten non-fiction books for children including the upcoming The Booth Brothers: Drama, Fame and the Death of President Lincoln. She is the Assistant Regional Advisor for the Central-Coastal SCBWI and a member of Writers of Kern.