The Cassells cellar
Grandma Annie Casssells
and ten-year-old me,
heave worn wooden doors
throw daylight underground
pick our way down brick slab steps
stand still
let our eyes adjust
She leads
Bound for wooden plank shelves
Jammed against the far wall.
She reaches
For a dusty jug
amongst canned pickles, peaches, beans
She pours
a half-pint jelly jar one-quarter full
pronounces “grape juice”
She savors
A long dark liquid sip
She passes
the almost-empty jar
to me
She cautions
“Just a little now.
It makes you feel all warm inside.”
She stretches
her eager knobby fingers for the rest
as the jar leaves my lips.
—Annis Cassells

The imagery feeds my senses. Well-done.
I can see it all happen. Great imagery. TR
“First Taste” took me on a sensory-propelled time trip. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing.