My Bones Hurt
They must be yearning for the dirt
I can’t complain
The years have been kind
Yet still I struggle
I have Much on my mind
I’m bereft with regrets
Chief amongst many
Is that I wasted precious time
I’ve squandered it plenty
My final breath is nigh
how can this be
It seems only yesterday
When I knelt on one knee
Promises and hearts were broken
Those who mattered know my plea
Now My time draws near.
My life’s wrung out
Just when I’m about to find
What it was all about
—Reggie Ridgway

Thanks for your poem, Reggie. Isn’t it true. We just figure out what it’s all about and it’s time to go. I think we just have to keep learning and figuring.
Nice job! Yours was the first one I received so I’m glad to see it posted. Like Annis said we learn what’s going on then our time at that stage is over. Oh, if I knew then…. TR