The length of the bars determine the sound
Vibrations ring out as hammer comes down
Melodic music of depth and of tone
That strange little instrument…the Xy-o-lo-phone!
One note struck…or sometimes two
At the same time, as we players will do
Beautiful harmony, sings out through the air
At home football game or State country fair
I stand at the back, of the orchestra pit
Or right up in front…I sometimes will sit
Playing my chimes, with dings and with dongs
Adding so much, to the orchestra’s songs
As kids we all got one, on Christmas tree morn
We banged on its bars, till Dad’s ears were torn
The one in the orchestra, sounds much better now
The chimes are in tune, with the conductor’s deep bow
Now I don’t have to play, in my room all alone
The crowd they all love…my XY-O-LA-PHONE!
—David Kettler

this brings me back to visits to a friend of my parents when I was little. Their adult daughter played beautifully, sharing the music with people who walked by. This was in Helena, Montana. Thanks for sharing. TR
Love this poem! I had a toy one as a kid, but I always thought playing a full-sized xylophone would be a challenge.
Thanks for the memories, David. Yes, we all got one for Christmas at sometime in our lives. Usually not from parents, though. LOL.