The Writers of Kern 2014 “A-Z” Blog Challenge is coming!
The 2014 A to Z challenge will begin Wednesday, September 10th and end Saturday, December 6th. Thirteen weeks, 2 posts per week equals 26 posts. Writers may choose any theme; but, each post must feature one letter of the alphabet in alphabetical order.
There are two parts to the challenge:
- Part 1 – Publish two blog posts a week, for thirteen weeks. Posting Wednesday and Saturday are suggested, but not required.
- Part 2 – Visit at least five other participants’ blogs each week, leaving thoughtful comments and encouraging words.
If you don’t have a blog, now is the time to start one. Check WordPress and Blogger for free blogging options. If you have a blog and you’re not a seat-of-the-pants writer, you have a few weeks to jump start your challenge plan.
Winners will be recognized at the WOK Winter Dinner, Saturday, December 13, 2014.
NOTE: If you choose to participate in the WOK Blog Challenge, please email your blog site to [email protected] by Friday, September 5, 2014. Blog Challenge participants will receive an email listing blog sites of all who have accepted the challenge.
How can we support reluctant or new bloggers for this challenge? xoA