Welcome to the revived Write Way. As part of the re-energized Writers
of Kern, Annis Cassells, Jasmine Lowe and I are sharing editorial
duties to publish the newsletter. Annis and I will take alternate
months as editor, and Jasmine will handle the layout to make it
attractive. See Jasmine’s profile and Annis’ article about the Jack
London Award to get more insight into the talent they bring to the
Beth Davisson passed the editorship to me and I passed it on to
Marty, so I’ve been here before. I know from experience two editors in sync are
better than one under water. Several of the other branches have a regular staff to produce
their newsletter, so our team approach is not even novel.
We are focusing on NEWS but leave our options open for the future. As Dennis
VanderWerff points out in his article, we have a new website and it is filled with
information, much of which used to be in the newsletter. There is also the new Facebook
page where members can easily post and read what’s going on.
To read the current issue of The Write Way, please click here.
If you have wanted WOK to have a newsletter, you’re in luck. In the future we will be
asking for member input, so please be generous. Enjoy the journey.
If the next WOK meeting is in September, does that mean no WOK meeting in August?
I thought the same as you, Bob; but, the first page of the newsletter announces the August 17th meeting.