I have Great News! Effective immediately, Writers of Kern accepts online payment of dues for new and renewing members. With online payment, members can pay their dues with a major credit card, debit card, or through PayPal. Although payments are processed through PayPal, a PayPal account is not necessary to take advantage of this service.
Online dues payment simplifies the renewal process. Members can renew their membership from the comfort of their home, the beach, or from anywhere there is internet access. Online payment is an advantage for new members, allowing them the opportunity to fill in the membership application online and to browse the Writers of Kern web site to become familiar with the advantages of membership and all that WOK offers. Not only is the new payment method an advantage for members and new member applicants, online processing of dues payments simplifies the treasurer’s job.
Along with dues payments, members and new member applicants are prompted to provide information about their writing interests, preferred writing genre, website and blog information. This information is used for the Writers of Kern Roster and Directory. Members are listed on the Our Members page of the web site along with their genre and links to their website or blog .
Membership forms are found under the “Membership” menu tab on the web site’s navigation bar. Please take time to visit the web site and to become familiar with the many resources available there. Let us know about your online experience with our web site. Share your comments and suggestions here or email them to [email protected]. Direct questions about membership to [email protected].