An email from Robert Isbill, President, High Desert Branch of CWC:

I’m urging all of the CWC South to get out the word on our Howl at the Moon” Writers’ Conference #3, which will be on Saturday, October 19, 2013 in Victorville. And IF your members act now, they can get a $25 price for the ALL DAY event featuring James Scott Bell, Scott Rubenstein and Loren Stephens.
In response to a blanket invitation to ALL CWC members, state-wide, Central Board State Treasurer Sharon Svitak replied:
“You have a real powerhouse speaker in James Scott Bell. Congratulations! I would love to join you but I have a Tri-Valley board meeting and general meeting that day. I have never mastered the art of being in two places at once.” All of you feel free to use this conference as a “re-enlistment” tool for your members who have not renewed their membership yet!
All members in good standing in your branch get the early bird discount price of only $25! But that’s good only through Saturday, August 10th. To pay using PayPal or a credit card, click here. Or, just send us a check postmarked by August 10 for the great $25 price.
Our philosophy is low profit, high turnover and give the people a real value that could not be duplicated elsewhere. We’ll make money, guaranteed! But we’ll walk away from this conference knowing we really did a public service by presenting a high quality event at an affordable price.
And it’s going to be fun! Wait until you see what we’ve got planned.
For one thing, we’ll have a 104th anniversary of Literary History with a birthday cake served in the Ruth Theodus Gallery at the High Desert Center for the Arts! Ruth was not only the High Desert CWC’s founder and first president, but a major fundraiser and philanthropist for the Center for the Arts in Victorville. She was also president of the state-wide CWC. We’ll honor her that day, and much, much more.
I don’t know of other conferences planned in the Southern California (CWC South) region for the upcoming months, but I’d love it if our Southern California group really made an effort to promote this one! This is something we should all band together about and see what needs to be done to make our members aware of it.
After it’s over and they find out about HATM #3, they’re going to be asking “Why didn’t we get the word?”
I know some of you are almost 100 miles away, but this is NOT to be missed! It’s going to be worth the drive just for the fun factor! For map and driving directions, please click here.
Thanks to you all!
Bob Isbill